Network comparison
In some cases, it might be of interest to compare two networks with each other. For instance, you might want to compare an existing network with the Neko-generated network, or compare the resulting networks from two different network construction strategies.
The following code shows the comparison of two networks, built with different input parameters of the complete_connections
from import Network
from neko._visual.visualize_network import NetworkVisualizer
from neko.inputs import Universe
from neko._annotations.gene_ontology import Ontology
from import compare_networks
import omnipath as op
CPU times: user 5.76 s, sys: 1.66 s, total: 7.42 s
Wall time: 5.09 s
1. Define the list of genes of interest
genes = ["SRC", "NOTCH1", "FAK", "CDH1", "CDH2", "VIM", "MAP4K4", "LATS1", "LATS2", "PTK2B"]
2. Create networks.
Please refer to the Usage
tutorial for a detailed explanation of each step.
2A. Build first network
For the first network, we specify that we do not want to take into account the concensus sign (i.e. activation vs inhibition) for the interactions.
new_net1 = Network(genes, resources = 'omnipath')
new_net1.connect_nodes(only_signed=True, consensus_only=True)
new_net1.complete_connection(maxlen=6, algorithm="bfs", only_signed=True, connect_with_bias=True, consensus=True)
2B. Build second network
For the second network, we set the consensus
argument to True
new_net2 = Network(genes, resources = 'omnipath')
new_net2.connect_nodes(only_signed=True, consensus_only=True)
new_net2.complete_connection(maxlen=3, algorithm="dfs", only_signed=True, connect_with_bias=True, consensus=True)
3. Compare networks
The compare_networks functions receives as input the two network objects of interest. Its output is two dataframes; one for the comparison of the edges and for the comparison of nodes.
interaction_comparison, node_comparison = compare_networks(new_net1, new_net2)
source target comparison
0 ABL1 APP Unique to Network 2
1 ABL1 BTK Unique to Network 2
2 ABL1 CDH2 Common
3 ABL1 CTNNB1 Common
4 ABL1 EGFR Common
.. ... ... ...
715 WNT1 ITGB4 Unique to Network 2
716 WNT1 LEF1 Unique to Network 2
717 WNT1 MAP3K7 Unique to Network 2
718 WNT1 NOTCH1 Unique to Network 2
719 ZYX SRC Common
[720 rows x 3 columns]
node comparison
0 IKBKB Unique to Network 1
1 ROCK1 Unique to Network 1
2 SNAI2 Unique to Network 1
3 PRKG1 Unique to Network 1
4 TP63 Unique to Network 1
.. ... ...
101 PTK2B Common
102 PTEN Common
103 CDH2 Common
104 CDH1 Common
105 MAP4K4 Common
[106 rows x 2 columns]