Map tissue expression

This notebook explores how you can explore whether the nodes in your network are expressed in a tissue of interest. The annotations are accessed from the Annotation object of Omnipath, and are based on expression data from the Human Protein Atlas.

from import Network
from neko._visual.visualize_network import NetworkVisualizer
from neko.inputs import Universe
from neko._annotations.gene_ontology import Ontology
import omnipath as op
CPU times: user 6.01 s, sys: 1.56 s, total: 7.57 s
Wall time: 5.17 s

1. Import genes as network nodes

genes = ["SRC", "NOTCH1", "FAK", "CDH1", "CDH2", "VIM", "MAP4K4", "LATS1", "LATS2", "PTK2B"]
new_net1 = Network(genes, resources = 'omnipath')
#Print node dataframe
Genesymbol Uniprot Type
0 SRC P12931 NaN
1 NOTCH1 P46531 NaN
2 PTK2 Q05397 NaN
3 CDH1 P12830 NaN
4 CDH2 P19022 NaN
5 VIM P08670 NaN
6 MAP4K4 O95819 NaN
7 LATS1 O95835 NaN
9 PTK2B Q14289 NaN

2. Check if the genes are annotated in the tissue of interest (e.g., in colorectal cancer)

annot = Ontology()
results_df = annot.check_tissue_annotations(genes_df = new_net1.nodes, tissue = 'colorectal cancer')
  Genesymbol  in_tissue
0        SRC       True
1     NOTCH1       True
2       PTK2       True
3       CDH1       True
4       CDH2       True
5        VIM       True
6     MAP4K4       True
7      LATS1       True
8      LATS2       True
9      PTK2B       True

3. Color nodes based on their presence/absence in the tissue of interest

The tissue_mapping functions highligts as light blue all the nodes of the network that are expressed in the used-defined system.

network_visualizer = NetworkVisualizer(new_net1)
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